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Wikileaks posts CIA document tranche

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Wikileaks posted a tranche of documents Wednesday under the name Vault7, detailing CIA activities, capabilities and ambitions.

The #Vault7 hashtag is furious with activity as activists, journalists and perhaps the CIA itself combs through the release for hot topics. Some standout claims and exposures:

Gaping security holes in all major operating systems [Wikileaks]
The CIA is interested in hacking your car [Mashable]
CIA can basically hack "almost anything" (it can bypass Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp and Confide encryption by hacking the handset)
The CIA Hacking Tools now thought to be publicly proliferated and in wide use [Wikileaks]
CIA Org Chart

Independent authentication of the documents is underway, reports USA Today.

Wikileaks said the documents are from the CIA Center for Cyber Intelligence and represent a new series of leaks code-named "Vault 7." The website says the CIA "lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal," more than several hundred million lines of code, providing "the entire hacking capacity of the CIA." Wikileaks says the archive appears to have been circulated among former government hackers and contractors, one of whom provided WikiLeaks with portions of it. The covert hacking program taps into Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which can be turned into covert microphones, the website says.

The stuff about smart TVs infested with CIA malware is the most striking: specifically Orwellian, albeit covertly. You can put a tape over your webcam, but the microphones?

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2902 days ago
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anarchiste wrote a new post, Mexique : sur l’auto-dissolution des "Cellules Autonomes de Révolution Immédiate–Praxedis G. Guerrero", on the site Le Laboratoire Anarchiste

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[instituto italiano de cultura]

[un banco sobre zona de hospitales en DF]

lu et copié à partir de Brèves du Désordre

Ni mensonge, ni invention ! Avant tout l’action anarch […]

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3104 days ago
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Facebook UK made £105M in 2014, paid £35M in bonuses, and will pay £4,327 in tax

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Facebook UK made £105M in 2014, paid £35M in bonuses, and will pay £4,327 in tax.


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Which is a notable improvement on its tax bill for 2013, which was £0 on earnings of £223m. (more…)

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3414 days ago
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Anti-surveillance steamroller still rolling through Congress

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The USA Freedom Act set the first legal limits on spying in a generation, and were immediately followed by 3 more surveillance-blocking amendments from the House, and now, a week later, there's 2 more bipartisan curbs on surveillance. Read the rest

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3536 days ago
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Ind.ie lascerà il Regno Unito

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Come ho già detto altrove, le rivelazioni sulla sorveglianza di massa a livello mondiale che da due anni sembrano avere spinto alcuni politici a sposare una linea semplice: o la va, o la spacca.

È proprio questo quello che ha fatto David Cameron, cavalcando l’emozione per l’attentato di Parigi alla redazione di Charlie Hebdo, manipolando la grande reazione e inserendo nella sua campagna elettorale progetti gravemente liberticidi.

Prima delle elezioni si poteva fare spallucce e sospendere il giudizio, ma ora che David Cameron ha una salda maggioranza, è il caso di considerare attentamente le riforme legislative previste:

  • L’intenzione di aumentare la sorveglianza della popolazione.
  • Il progetto di rimuovere la tutela dei diritti uomo sanciti dalla convenzione europea sui diritti dell’uomo.
  • Vietare i sistemi di comunicazione cifrata che non prevedano un accesso privilegiato per il governo.

Alla luce di tutto questo (ed alcuni altri elementi di altra impronta) Ind.ie ha deciso di abbandonare il Regno Unito.

È una storia di diritti (in procinto di essere) negati, di sorveglianza, una storia di esilio nel ventunesimo secolo, una storia di internet.


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3541 days ago
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ellenpolus wrote a new post, The Theology of Consensus, on the site no MMA!

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ThumbnailL.A. Kauffman
Consensus decision-making’s little-known religious origins shed light on why this activist practice has persisted so long despite being unwieldy, off-putting, and ineffective. L.A. Kauffman traces […]

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3541 days ago
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